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Mantis Helper dành cho Google Chrome

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Đánh giá Softonic

Mantis Helper: Tối ưu hóa quy trình làm việc của bạn với tích hợp Menu Ngữ cảnh

Mantis Helper is a browser extension designed to enhance your productivity by providing a seamless integration between your web browsing and Mantis, a popular bug tracking system. With Mantis Helper, you can quickly open issue numbers in Mantis directly from any webpage where an issue number is displayed.

One of the key features of Mantis Helper is its contextual menu integration. Simply select a number (issue ID) on any webpage, right-click, and choose "Open in Mantis" from the menu. This action will open the relevant issue in a new tab, allowing you to immediately access and work on it within Mantis.

In addition, Mantis Helper allows you to customize the Mantis URL to match your specific instance. This can be done through the options UI, ensuring that the extension seamlessly integrates with your Mantis setup.

To use Mantis Helper, simply download and install the extension. If your Mantis instance uses a different URL than the default, you can easily configure it in the extension options. Once installed and configured, highlight any issue number on a webpage, right-click, and select "Open in Mantis" to navigate directly to the issue in Mantis.

Mantis Helper is a free extension available for the Chrome browser, making it a valuable tool for developers and project managers who rely on Mantis for issue tracking and resolution.

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Mantis Helper dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V
  • 4.9

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

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